Current Favorites: Fall 2016 – Spring 2017

Hello, hello! Now that I'm officially back, let's talk beauty — shall we? Since it's been a hot minute, here's what I've been loving since I took my hiatus... Can you believe it's been a YEAR since I've done a favorites?! For now though, I'm just going to focus on makeup since I'm going to …

Favorites: Summer 2016

Hey all! We're kicking off my welcome back with all of my Favorites from this past summer. I reviewed all of my beauty favorites in the video below so be sure to give it a watch to find out all of my opinions and keep reading to find out more about my lifestyle favorites. Beauty …

Favorites: Spring 2016

Hello my loves, can you believe it's already almost June?! I know I say this every time, but time sure seems to be flying by. This year is already almost halfway gone and I honestly just feel like my existence is the equivalent of the wide grin emoji. You know, this one: 😬 ? Basically, I'm …

Favorites: Winter 2016 Edition

Hello, hello friends! Welcome back. Spring is right around the corner! I can feel it, it's so close and I'm itching for some warmer weather and brighter colors! Also with the changing of the seasons also comes a wrap up on some favorite products and a few other random bits. Here's what I've been loving for …

Favorites: 2015 Roundup

So it's officially 2016... what is this madness?! As I'm still in shock, I'm not quite ready to go out with the old and in with the yet. That said, I thought today I'd bring you a roundup of some of my favorite things I loved during 2015, but with a twist. Instead of choosing …

Favorites: Fall 2015

So we've miraculously and with great speed rounded third and are sliding into the home stretch of the year. It's already December and I can't believe it! I know I say it every month, but my lord the time flies, especially with each passing one. Honestly, I feel like we just started November! Anyhow, now that winter …

Favorites: Summer 2015

Honestly, where has the summer gone?! No fiber within in me is ready to go back to school yet, but here we are. Summer I would have to say is my favorite season. I love the care-freeness of it all. There's no need to sweat the small stuff because you're already literally sweating buckets yourself. …

Favorites: Spring 2015

Hello everyone, and welcome back! Can you believe it's already June?! It's insane how fast the year is flying by; I can't believe we're half way through the year! Since summer is practically here, I thought now would be an appropriate time to go back and review some of my favorite products that I loved …

Favorites: Winter 2015

With the spring season around the corner I thought I'd bring you the things I've loved during this winter. There's not much else to say, so let's get started! Makeup Favorites: This brow palette has truly stepped up my brow game. I mix a bit of the pigment from my Urban Decay 24/7 Perversion pencil with …

Favorites: 2014 Roundup

How is 2015 already around the corner?! Each year, I'm in more and more disbelief how time seems to just be flying by. Although I'm not quite ready to kiss 2014 goodbye, I am very much ready for a fresh start and to try new things. That said, this time last year I was doing …