Hope Among Chaos

The world seems chaotic these days. Not just personally — but politically, socially, and even in regards to our climate. It can be hard not to spiral into a dooms-day, apocalyptic, the-world-is-ending, state every time you open up your Twitter feed. From Charlottesville, to Houston, to the countless attempts from an incompetent administration to spread …

GenBeauty SF 2017 Haul

If you've been keeping up with me on Instagram, you'll know that I went to Generation Beauty in San Francisco this past weekend... and it was SO amazing! This was my first time going not only to GenBeauty, but any beauty conference ever so I was super excited to have this opportunity! In case you're …

Life Update: She’s Back…

Where'd she go? Was there an alien abduction? Did she pack up to travel the world? Actually, she just rediscovered her love for Doritos... and maybe some other things too.

Life Update: With Love From Me to You

An open letter to my blog on my second Blogaversary, for my readers. An explanation of where I've been and a few words of encouragement: My Dearest Blog, Happy Blogaversary. I'm sorry that I've been out of touch. Life's been much lately, though; always keeping me on my toes. It's your typical 20-something dilemma— balancing …

Life Update: A Triumphant Return

So, the big question: where have I been for the past few months? The short and simplest answer is: life. Life happened. And it continues to. The long answer is: somewhere where all 20-somethings eventually find themselves, I suppose; dealing with the reality that life didn't turn out like we expected and wondering what the hell to do …

More than Makeup: #TheSelfLoveSelfie

Hello my beautiful internet friends, I'm (finally) back! Once again, thanks for your patience with the lack of blog posts recently. Life lately has been incredibly busy and overwhelming which you'll know if read my Life Updates post. As if dealing with all of that plus finals wasn't difficult enough, playing catch up after the …

Life Updates: A Fresh Perspective

Hello, hello. April has had its rocky start for me, despite it being one of my favorite months. Once again, this is not the post that I had intended on putting up today, but things have been so crazy lately that I just didn't have the heart, much less the motivation to write the review I …

Life Updates: Late Goals & Resolutions for 2016

Hey everyone! So I was sitting down to finally write a blog post to go up tomorrow and found that my intro was just getting too long trying to cram all of my updates into the beginning, so I decided to just go ahead and write this bit separately. I hardly ever have a chance …

My Makeup Journey: 1 Year Blog Anniversary

In light of the recently tragedies this past Friday November 13,  I almost find it trivial to write this post. However these events have really made me reflect and taught me to celebrate the small joys in life, even in the the face of tragedy. So, first off I would like to send out my …

Midweek Mini-post: Liebster Award & other announcements

Hello, hello! Happy Hump Day! I'm back with another Wednesday post in my effort to start putting up more content. Instead of the usual Wishlist Wednesday (although only one of those posts has been made so far), I am going to be posting about some relatively time-sensitive content. If you have been following me on social …