What’s In My Bag: DC Travel Edition

Hello my loves, If you’ve been following me on social media (shameless plug below) then you’ll know I’m in the midst of my grand tour of America. I found a moment to calculate and reflect and have concluded that out of this entire month I’ll be traveling for 25 days on 3 Trips through 3 …

Lookbook: Zodiac Part II

Hello my beautiful friends! A warm welcome back to all of my old and new readers! Once again, I apologize that my posting schedule has been way out of whack, but I have a ton of content to catch up on in a short amount of time, so bear with me. I'm trying to post …

Favorites: Summer 2015

Honestly, where has the summer gone?! No fiber within in me is ready to go back to school yet, but here we are. Summer I would have to say is my favorite season. I love the care-freeness of it all. There's no need to sweat the small stuff because you're already literally sweating buckets yourself. …

Tutorial: Dog Days of Summer

Hello, hello. It's officially August and the last few days of summer are here. Much to my dismay, these remaining days are going by all too quickly; there are too few of them left. However, the days themselves are still long and the heat and sunsets are drawn out. Afternoons fade into the night with …

Midweek Mini Tutorial: Sexy Summer Legs | ad

Hey there! Welcome back! So as you've probably noticed there has been a few different things happening around the blog. First off, there's been a slight lack of Wednesday posts, but that's mostly because it's summer vacation and I've just been trying to enjoy it while I can. Besides that, you'll probably also have noticed that the …

Get Ready With Me: Disneyland Edition

Hello and greetings! If you follow me on Instagram, you'll probably know I've been traveling and hopefully from the title, you'll have figured out exactly where to. Yes, it's Disneyland! I absolutely adore Disneyland and go pretty frequently, so I have a few tips and tricks that I'd love to share with you, especially since it …

Tutorial: Summer Turquoise & Gold Makeup (with everyday option)

Hey, all! With the Summer finally in full swing, I decided now would be an appropriate time to put together a makeup tutorial that embodies this particular season. If you're a regular reader, you might recall my Spring Mint & Coral tutorial from a few months ago, which I felt like I just wrote for …

Tag: What’s in My Travel Makeup Bag?

Summer's here, summer's here! It's finally here! And with summer comes vacation and with vacation comes traveling. Undoubtedly, traveling is one of my favorite parts of summer, but as a makeup junkie, I find it difficult to narrow down my product picks yet, a satisfying challenge. Nonetheless, here are my picks for an efficient, but versatile …

Wishlist Wednesday: Summer Picks

Hello, hello! How are you all this lovely day? As for me, I'm restless for summer and daydreaming about these last few days of finals just disappearing so that I just get started with my vacation already! But back to reality, since I still have a few more hills to conquer before I get to …